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The Belief Roadblock

The Belief Roadblock

Limiting Beliefs

The Belief Roadblock

A part of our better thinking process and shifting your mindset to that of a CEO. Think like a person who runs a business, and not works in it. By clearing your mind and eliminating the ways of thinking that sabotage your success, you set yourself up to find success that you would otherwise miss. We simply call these self-sabotaging ways of thinking: limiting beliefs.

We have identified three common limiting beliefs:

You need to realize that the person setting the limitations on your business is yourself, but you also have direct control over how you are thinking and can change it.

The Belief Roadblock

We as humans struggle to think outside of our own box of reasoning and it is especially hard to see past our own breadth of knowledge.  For example, if you believe your company will always be a small one, then you are not going to put in the needed effort to grow because you have already given up as you are unable to imagine anything beyond your own small accomplishments. Maybe you think 10 trucks on the road is very good for your region, but why do you stop thinking there? Would it surprise you that the same kind of company as your own has 50 trucks on the road, what about 100? You likely think there is a cap or limit on how big a company can grow within your industry, but the true problem is you do not know something is possible until you can first imagine it. 

The level of your company dictates what you know how to operate at and therefore limits how big you can imagine your company can grow. We call this limiting belief the “Belief Roadblock.”

The owner is the bottleneck for the company’s growth, and your growth as an owner is limited by your experience, knowledge, and the people you are surrounded by. To expand your belief to what is possible you need to visit other companies, speak with other owners who operate at a higher level and ultimately seek out someone who has prior experience. Not only will your vision for your company grow from small to big, but you will also save a lot of time and money by avoiding mistakes that your mentors/coaches/peers have already suffered and learned from. You benefit from their knowledge and experience.

As a business owner, you need to realize your subconscious is going to try and protect you from the risk or harm that your vision pictures. When you set a goal or envision your dream, your mind will try to make it smaller, and set a limitation on your success. This way when you fail you will be prepared mentally for this trauma. However, this will demotivate you and dimmish the effort you put into achieving your targets.

So, what can be done to counteract the nature of the human mind? At the Service Strategist, we are a big proponent of visualization because it is easy to do and has been proven to be an effective way to trick your subconscious into working for you and not against you. To practice said visualization, you record your vision via text or memorize it, and think about that vision every day. Since you believe in that vision, your subconscious will start to accept that as your truth. Instead of ignoring things that would be filtered out by your mind it starts highlighting opportunity and start to work for you instead.    

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