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Tech VS. CEO Mindset

Tech VS. CEO Mindset

You need to spend more time operating your HVAC business, and less time slogging water heaters up and down stairs all day long. It’s a bit of tough love, but you need to get out of the truck and into the office because you are a business owner, not a service technician. 

Changing the way you think about your company, and how you spend your limited hours each day, is the first step you need to take toward growing from a small-time HVAC shop to a full-blown HVAC company. It’s time to reprogram the way you think!  

The Mindset Change

Ask yourself this: If someone asked you what you do for a living, how would you answer?

Would you say I am a CEO of a medium-sized company…or would you answer, I am an HVAC technician.  

How do you know which one you are?

A CEO thinks differently than a service tech, a business owner spends their time running a company and leading people. If you can’t step away from your current HVAC company for a week’s vacation without it falling into chaos, then you have a job, not a company. You are spending your time as a tech, not a CEO. 

Let’s go over a few signs that you may be running your company like a tech and not a CEO:

Markers of a Tech Mindset

  • A focus on technical skills needed for each job.
  • A fix-it-yourself way of mind – the thought that only you can fix the problem.
  • Trying to reduce the costs for clients at every corner.
  • Fixated on the gross cost of a single job.
  • Focusing everything on the job at hand.
  • The Next job is around the corner mentality, but you can’t see anything past this current month.

Markers of a CEO Mindset

  • Focuses on the numbers.
  • Always on the hunt for the next job and where it comes from.
  • Focuses on the big picture of a job and lets the employees fill in the details.
  • Understand the past, present, and future of the industry.
  • Controls the overhead of running a company.
  • Care about sales and the health of the company.

You need to check your blind spots, you do it while backing up your truck on a job site, and you also need to do it as a business owner. Do not feel too bad though, you are not completely to blame because you didn’t go to business school. Since you have spent most of your adult life mastering your trade, it is time to hang up the tool belt, and pick up the business textbook!

We can boil it down to a few questions: how much, who does it, and why? Every business owner can instantly answer these questions about their company because they have already taken the time to run the numbers and find the right person for the job.

What does a CEO do all day? 

We need you to realize that the way you think is going to dictate the way you spend your time. At A Trades company, the owner NEVER goes to a job site, why would they need to? They are paying people to do that for them. Answering phones, dispatching techs, selling furnaces, running payroll, and picking orders, are all done by employees, not a company owner!  Yes, the CEO could very well do these things, but their time is better spent on leading and managing people within the company.

So, are you a Tech or a CEO?

Did you know there are more limiting beliefs? 

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