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The 3 P’s

The 3 P’s

Many mindset theories out there have some kind of version of the Three Ps, perhaps the letter ‘P’ has a special place & meaning in people’s minds. At The Service Strategist, we recommend all business owners act as a leader within their organizations and use these three principles to effectively rule their businesses with Passion, Purpose, and Power.

We have placed our three Ps in a specific order because having each one lends itself to the other. If you have passion, it is easier to have a purpose, and when you have both passion and purpose it gives you power.

Passion, Purpose, & Power

Let’s start at the beginning of our mindset chain with Passion. When you are passionate about your business it has a positive effect on the people that work for you because they see you are dedicated to operating it. They see you care deeply about the business and often is the case passionate people are knowledgeable about what they put their minds to. A passionate business owner can, with increased ease, convince employees to also be passionate about the business’s success.

Simply put, passion drives passion. The business owner sets the tone for the company, and the employees see that tone and carry it forward to the clients. If you are not passionate about your business then you are in the wrong position, you simply should not own a business if you have no passion for it.

Remember that the livelihood of your staff rests on your shoulders and a business owner must face that challenge head-on. If this is done with love and responsibility, you will become a passionate leader in the eyes of your staff and clients.

If you have passion for your business makes it much easier to find the purpose of why you went into business in the first place. You should have an answer to this question, why did you go into business? A Trades Company, for example, went into business because too many Home Service companies were taking advantage of clients and too few were delivering legitimately good service.

The purpose behind your organization gives you and your employees the will to get up every morning. Make it so you can look forward to work, this happens when your business means something more than profit.

Passion and purpose lead to power. With power, you can control your staff within your company because people want to be guided through life. That’s because life is random and directionless, so a strong leader that demonstrates both purpose and passion gain, loyal staff members. Especially when they turn around and empower their staff and this draws other strong employees to join their organization.

Think back to high school where members of the sports team are often among the most popular students and seen as powerful. As a business owner, you want to rule your empire with adrenaline just like football players on a field because this will show your power as a leader. When you tell your staff something they will believe it, the good and the bad because you are projecting yourself as a strong leader so they will follow.

What you focus on magnifies through your staff, choose to be positive and forward-thinking and you shape the minds of your staff in that same direction. Treat staff poorly and they will not follow you for long.

On the other hand, do not let employees derail the path you are steering your company because if you allow employees to speak poorly about other staff, competitors, or the company itself, it will damage the company from within. Best Business Practices dictate that you fire employees that do not share the company culture you are trying to instill because they will degrade you over time.

 Make sure you lead with compassion, direction, and focus because this will keep good employees on board.

You need to operate your company at this level, so you can increase your reach as an owner. By living the 3 Ps, you can monitor more employees in charge of key tasks, and your company becomes much easier to run.

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