Media Partnerships Mailers
Media Partnerships Mailers
While Digital Marketing is an essential tool in our marketer’s kit, print mailers are still an effective way to advertise albeit it does take repetition to see results. Sending homeowners printed materials on your company’s services is great for targeting a specific neighborhood. Printed adverts also have a lasting impression, and stick around the home, something a digital advertisement cannot do. Digital ads are fleeting, plentiful, and easily forgotten while a fair amount of data and research has proven that printed things last longer in our subconscious. A great printed AD has an emotional impact, unlike its digital counterpart.
Expect to run a mailing campaign in the same neighborhood at least 4 to 8 times because the first run will rarely get you any leads. By sending out the mailers multiple times, your goal is to create brand placement in the homeowner’s mind. This brand recognition is a part of your larger marketing strategy which should always be a mix of marketing/advertising activities.

Think of it this way, load up your favorite song on YouTube, it is quick, easy, and painless and after watching 3 Ads it finally plays, and then the song finishes, the act is completely forgettable and you would not be able to tell which song you listened to a day later.
However, if you listened to your favorite song on Vinyl, the entire process of setting up the record player, carefully pulling out the record from its sleeve, picking the right side to play, and then placing the needle exactly in the right groove, is a total sensory experience. It is more satisfying if you work for something and then get rewarded for your efforts. This is a memorable experience, and print simulates this feeling much more than you quickly scrolling by a digital ad.
Going Through the Mail
The time-honored tradition of checking the mailbox, bringing the contents into the home and plopping it down on the kitchen table. Contained in this mail, is bills, letters from the city, notices from the government, flyers, and your Home Service printed material. That’s the thing, your print is mixed in with some pretty important stuff, and it can’t be simply thrown away until the homeowner goes through the mail.
There are two schools of thought on what you should send out as your mailers. The postcard method or the detailed envelope method. Both have advantages and disadvantages but whichever one you choose, seek out a mailing service, which often also offers printing services to go with the mailing service.
Have a target neighborhood (s) and city in mind, the dimensions of the mailer, and a general idea of what you are promoting with a 6-month and 12-month strategy. Keep in mind the mailing services will want to sell you more services than you probably need, but a year of mailers in your target area is optimal. You will know you are dealing with a quality mailing service if they can provide you with insights into the demographics of your targeted area.
For the first method, create a single postcard-sized advertisement that contains the product or service you are trying to promote and, on the postcard, include a simple coupon with a price reduction on it. This way they hold onto the postcard, and it doesn’t get thrown straight into the trash or recycling bin.
Here are some tips on creating a postcard, make one for the heating and one for the cooling season. Make it with a distinct eye-catching design that has no more than 10 words on it and make sure the coupon clearly stands out. Printing companies often offer discounts for bulk printing so keep this in mind when designing it.
Enveloped Letter
The second method involves mailing an envelope containing an exclusive offer to the client and documentation explaining the quality service you’re offering. The envelope method appears more professional but, in our opinion, has a lower chance to be opened. Since you will not be able to address it to a person, it will appear as generic and clearly an advertisement. Just adding a barrier between your offer and the customer’s eyes. However, if they do open it, that means they are willing to engage, and it has a larger chance they will reach out.
Make the letters inside of your envelope short and to the point, and treat the entire first page as a single-page advertisement for that season and the second page as a deeper dive into the company and its services.
Mail campaigns are a lot to set up and have a real cost. Do the research on your targeted region before contacting the mailing service and make the offer worthwhile for whoever opens it. Keep in mind solicitation laws for your city and make sure you keep above board.
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