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Kit Documentation

Kit Documentation

What’s in the Sales

Kit & Kit Worksheets?

A Trades Company sends every Sales Consultant into the home with a list of documents that are used when needed. The Sales Kit Documents each have a specific purpose some are for legal requirements and others are worksheets to gather important information about the home. All Sales Documents are physically printed at the office and held inside A Trades Company’s Business Folder before they are brought into the home.

Sales Kit Items:

1) Sales Presentation Folder

The folder is functional but has a professional touch as it is branded with company colors on the front and back. It also has one info page that lists A Trades Company’s Guarantees, just in case it is left behind or given to the homeowner. There is also a slot for a business card inside the folder. 

2) Trades Company Grid Work Sheet

 This sheet is for the sales consultant to sketch out the floor plan of the homeowner’s house and take notes of possible pain points or problems they observe while they take the measurements. This sheet is also used to aid in the calculation of the Heat/Loss Gain of the residence. This is not left in the home and is for internal use.

3) Home Observation Sheet

A checklist to take stock of all installations in the home and how they are configured. This gives A Trades Company a full-picture view of everything in the home and what might be missing or needed. It both allows us to sell and prepare the Home Service Techs for a future installation. This is not left in the home and is for internal use.

4) Measurement Diagram

Used to measure the pre-existing ductwork connected to the furnace. This way the service techs know what to expect and if the new furnace will be compatible. This is not left in the home and is for internal use.

5) Heat Gain Loss Calculation Sheet

Used to determine the size of the furnace the home needs. This sheet is explained in more detail in another section.

6) Consumer Protection Form

This form is a part of the legal regulation set up in A Trades Company business region. It protects consumers from predatory practices once commonly found in the HVAC industry such as door-to-door sales. Make sure to check if your region of business has a similar form. This is given to every homeowner we do business with. Ensure Sales Consultants are getting this document signed.

7) 10 Day Cooling Off Period Waiver

A legal document that allows the consumer to forego the 10 day wait period before any HVAC system can be legally installed after a work contract has been signed. This form is a part of the legal regulation set up in A Trades Company business region. This is given to every homeowner we do business with. Ensure Sales Consultants are getting this document signed if they wish to forego the legal waiting period.

8) Options Sheet – Quote Template      

At A Trades Company, we always present at least three options to homeowners when they are considering buying an HVAC system. This sheet is to simply record what they have considered so far. It should not be left in the home, but we instead get Sales Consultants to allow for a picture to be taken if they need more time to think.

9) Hot Water Heater Removal Waiver

 If A Trades Company Water Heater is sold or rented, and the old water heater needs to be removed which is typically a non-rental unit, this form waives any liability attached to the old water heater and frees A Trades Company from any legal recourse by the homeowner. The client also loses their rights to the old one that will be scrapped. This is given to every homeowner we install a water heater for. Ensure Sales Consultants are getting this document signed.

10) Agency Agreement for Reliance

 This important document gives you the right to remove Reliance’s old water heater. When a new water heater is sold, ensure that the Sales Consultants are filling out this document with the homeowner and getting it signed by them.

The next steps are important to follow to stay clear of any liability. Once the document is signed it needs to be scanned and sent to Reliance via email, and once they receive it they will send back a confirmation form within a few days. At this point in time, the Water Heater can be removed but should be kept and stored in case it needs to be reinstalled. The next step is to wait 10 full business days and after that, the Water Heater can be returned to Reliance, which needs to be physically delivered to their local facility. Once there, Reliance will accept the old water heater and hand over a very important document called the Water Heater Return Receipt which needs to be kept on company files and a copy given to the client. Occasionally, Reliance will continue to bill the client after the Water Heater has been removed and the client will likely call into your company quite unhappy. The Water Heater Return Receipt is used as proof to refund any charges made by Reliance. 

11) Rebate Sheet
This explains the current rebate amounts across the home as of April 2023. This includes heating and cooling options but also other things the homeowner can improve. These rebates need a pre-audit and a post-audit to be valid. At this time the client is responsible for the rebate but as the comfort consultant you can help them set up the audit appointment and pick a firm that they can trust.  

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